New Families
Welcome to Pack 936! We are excited to have you in our Pack, and want you to have everything you need to feel welcome and prepared for your Scouting experience. The links below will take you to various places to help guide you into the Cub Scout experience!
Step 1: Family Talent Survey
The pack is run by volunteers, and we rely heavily on our parents to help when and where they can. If you'd like to volunteer to help our Pack, please fill out this Family Talent Survey to give Pack leadership some insight into your talents!
Step 2: Pack Newsletter
The Pack Committee Chair emails newsletters 2 times a month with all of the latest Pack news outlined in one easy to read location. Sign up here to receive the newsletters! Make sure all parents sign up!
Step 3: Parent Handbook
Pack leadership has put together this handbook for you to help get you acclimated to Cub Scouts and our Pack. If there's something that you'd like to see added, please let us know! Click here to visit the handbook online.
Step 4: Get Connected
Pack 936 has a Facebook page that is only for adult guardians of Cub Scouts. You can find our page here.
If you would like to get text reminders about events and registration deadlines, text @Pack936 to 81010
Step 5: Get Involved!
The Pack is always wanting parents to come to Pack Committee meetings to help make decisions about programming and general Pack leadership. Please come to our Pack Committee meetings! We are done by 8 pm! Check the schedule for details!
Step 6: Sign Up Genius!
The Pack always has great activities scheduled! Be sure to look at the Sign Up Genius links and sign up for anything you're excited to attend!
Helpful Links
All of these links take you to different parts of our website, but until you get used to the navigation, we've left them here for you!